
 Scholarship Program
There are many children whose families cannot afford to send their children to school.  To help these children attend school, we always welcome families to be a part of our scholarship program.  Many of these children work to bring essential income home to their families. Your kind donation of $25 per month will provide school supplies and support in the form of food so their families can make up for the lost income.  


世界には貧困のため学校に通うことが出来ない子どもたちがいます。グアテマラも例外ではありません。 その様な子ども達を助けるため奨学金プログラムを通し、月3000円の寄付金を学校への費用、又生活のため子ども達の収入に頼らざる得ない家族にとって欠かすことの出来ない食料の提供に使わさせて頂きます。